Saturday, December 30, 2017

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 is where you bring everything together for your reader. As the faculty reviewer, I expect that you will discuss your findings in terms of the previous research, what do we know now that we didn’t know before? I will expect you to discuss how your study relates to the theories you previously mentioned, does the theory accommodate the findings in your study? Why or why not? If your study results do not work well with the theory, what modifications are needed to the theory?

What are the social and practice implications of your study? I expect you will finish the chapter with a strong take home message, about things you want the reader to remember about your study.

By the time I complete Chapter 5, I should understand how you are interpreting the results and what you believe the results mean in terms of the literature, theory, and implications.

Next time, I will discuss the final defense from the faculty reviewer perspective. Do you have an issue or a question that you would like me to discuss in a future post? Would you like to be a guest writer? Send me your ideas!

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