Friday, October 25, 2013

Chapter 1: Definitions

Part of Chapter 1 is a section on definitions, you would think this would be simple wouldn't you? However, even this section has some rules you need to know. First, every definition needs a citation. Do not use Wikipedia for your source. Second, you should not use the word that you are defining in its definition (e.g., "Older adult: an older adult is…"). Third, your definitions need to be in alphabetical order. 

Which words should you define? Any words or terms that are jargon and may not be known to the average reader (use the grandmother test - would she know this word?). Do not include statistical tests or theories here. This section is where you would define terms related to your population that may have multiple meanings ("older adult," "young adult," "baby boomer"). Terms you are using in a specific way should be listed here ("online education," "synchronous learning," "homelessness," domestic violence," "faculty mentor"). 

Do not define acronyms here- that should be done in the text, the first time it is used. An example: "The lexical decision task (LDT)…" Per APA 4.21, remember to italicize key terms on first usage, often this will occur in the definition section. 

Next time we will look at the nature of the study section in your paper. Do you have an issue or a question that you would like me to discuss in a future post? Would you like to be a guest writer? Send me your ideas!

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