Wednesday, June 5, 2013


*My thanks to Cathy F for her suggestion of this topic 

A-motivation, paralysis. A time during a project when you can't take that next step, sitting down at the computer seems impossible. Whether your paralysis is due to a fear of failure, lack of belief in yourself, learned helplessness or a lack of belief in the value of what you are trying to achieve, it feels hopeless. How to get out of this slump?? 

A few suggestions. First, I strongly suggest that you get yourself a support group; it is very hard to do this alone. How do you do that? If you know anyone locally working on a dissertation, you could have an in-person group. You could ask people in your dissertation class or others you know at Walden to join with you in a virtual group. I have had a text support group for students in my class- you could form one too. Everyone in the group agrees to text when they think or work on the paper and to also offer support and encouragement to the group. A group seem too much? Then get a dissertation buddy - one other person who will agree to support you at least once a week by email or phone (and vice versa).  

Second, put together an "Achievement File". Sometimes we need to remind ourselves, that we are bright and capable. The Achievement file is for this. Include the successes you have had – those papers that you got an A on, maybe your transcript showing your great grades, the ribbon you won at the state fair, the photo of your kids, anything that makes you proud of your achievements. When you feel down, pull it out and remind yourself, you have done great things before and you can do it again! 

Third, perhaps it is time to tweak your project. Think about- what would make you excited about the topic again? Are you tired of thinking about children and eating disorders? Maybe moving it to adulthood would give you a fresh perspective and enthusiasm.  Maybe switching from eating disorders to another topic would help. Sometimes just switching chapters helps, a shift from literature to research methods may be all you need. 

If you have tried these and other ideas, and you still can't get interested, perhaps you need a break. You can take a leave of absence for a quarter, get your head together, and come back refreshed. If you go this route, I suggest really taking a break from school – read those trashy novels in your closet, go to the beach or mountains do something totally different from your regular life. Give yourself a chance to recharge and think about the bigger issues of life. What do you really want to be doing in 5-10 years? What do you love doing? What makes you excited to get up in the morning? Where does getting a doctorate fit in the picture? If you think a leave of absence may be your solution, contact academic advising for help on setting it up. 

Next time we'll look at issues related to committee members- getting that 2nd member, and what do with them when you get them.
Do you have questions or ideas that you would like me to address in future posts? Please share them with me!


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