Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mail Bag

I have had a few questions that I would like to answer for everyone's benefit. 

How Do I Post a Comment?
To post a comment in the blog, you do need a Google account (i.e., Gmail). This is done to make sure you are a real person and not a computer posting SPAM. I only use my Gmail account for this purpose. To get an account, go to Once you have an account, go to the blog, at the bottom of the post and click where it says comments (has a pencil next to it). You can reply either to my main post or to the comments already there. You will need to enter your Google info and rewrite a word or phrase they give you in order to post it. 

The Dissertation Process

A quick overview of the dissertation process. I suggest printing out this list and putting it near your computer. 

Premise. This is a short idea paper, usually 5-7 pgs. It is mainly used for recruitment of your committee (there is a Premise Guide with a sample paper in the Research Center 

Prospectus. This is usually 10-12 pgs. It lays out your study (more on this tomorrow); your chair, committee member, and program director must approve the prospectus. Your chair will send it to the necessary people. 

Proposal. This consists of Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (Literature Review), and Chapter 3 (Research Methods and Analyses) of your dissertation; typically, these three chapters together are approximately 75-125 pgs. Your chair will work with you on these three chapters. When he or she approves your proposal, you need to complete the checklist (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods as appropriate; available in Research Center). Your proposal and checklist will be sent to your committee member by your chair. You will need to update and send the checklist with each proposal revision to your committee member. When both your chair and committee member are happy with the proposal, your chair sends it to your University Research Reviewer (URR, faculty member appointed by University to double check the paper) for approval, with the checklist. You will need to update and send the checklist with each proposal revision to your URR.  

Oral defense of proposal (1 hr. recorded conference call with chair and committee member), you will need to send a power point presentation of your study to your committee, prior to the call. 

Institutional Review Board (ethics board, IRB), you will need to complete the IRB application (with all of the required materials as indicated on IRB website) and receive their approval. You will also need to complete ethics training online, see the IRB site for the application and info on training. 

Collect data using the steps approved by IRB. If there are any changes to your methods, you need to get approval from the IRB. Your committee and URR should approve any major changes in methods.

Analyze data, as laid out in chapter 3. Your committee and URR should approve any major changes in analysis. 

Chapter 4 (Results) and Chapter 5 (Summary and Recommendations), are typically another 40-50 pgs. with the full dissertation being all 5 chapters. When your chair approves your dissertation, you need to complete the checklist (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods as appropriate; available in Research Center). Your proposal and checklist will be sent to your committee member by your chair. You will need to update and send the checklist with each revision to your committee member. When both your chair and committee member are happy with the dissertation, your chair sends it to your University Research Reviewer (URR, faculty member appointed by University to double check the paper) for approval, with the checklist. You will need to update and send the checklist with each revision to your URR. 

Form & Style. The full dissertation is sent by the Research Center to Form & Style review (in Writing Center). Since the dissertation will be published, this review makes sure it is in correct publication format and APA formatting is correct. 

Oral defense of dissertation (1 hr. recorded conference call with chair and committee member), you will need to send a power point presentation of your study to your committee, prior to the call. 

URR. Chair sends the dissertation back to the URR for a review of any changes since he/she last saw it. 

CAO. Abstract is sent by the Research Center to the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) for approval. 



  1. Thanks Dr. Lee,

    for the invitation to join your dissertation blog - it is nice to have you as our "special mentor"!!

    I am at the moment trying to get my chapter 4 ready for submission.

    To be honest, this post about the dissertation process comes at a good time: it is nice to realize that there is light at the end of this tunnel and that I am almost there.

    Thanks again, and lots of success to all my peers! Paula

  2. Hi Dr. Lee,
    Thanks for this clssified information. This comes right on time when I am nervous about what is the next step.

  3. I'm so glad I started reading your blog. I am just about to embark on the dissertation process (starting with the premise and prospectus). Your experience and insight is great for actually defining what the premise involves. Thank you!!!

    When searching for committee members, especially the chair, what if no one's research interests align with mine? I haven't read through the entire faculty list yet, so I can't be certain this will be the case; but I've always wondered.

    Thank you,

    Jessica Klenke

    1. Hi Jessica,
      It is actually less important that faculty have the same interest, it is more important that they have expertise in your research methodology. They won't accept the invitation to be on your committee if they are not interested in some way in the topic.
