Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Giving back

When you are in the midst of a high stress situation, such as your dissertation (along with work and family) it is difficult to even consider doing things for others. However, I feel it is important for you to consider a few low time ideas to give back to others. Why? Think of all of the people who have helped you in your educational process, from teachers, to family, to friends. They have given you their time, their wisdom, and their faith in you, it is time to pass on some of that.

Here are a few suggestions. Take a few minutes to write 3 short emails. Send one to someone who has supported you in your graduate program (ideas: teachers, peers, family, friends). Tell them what they did that showed their support. Tell them why it has been important to you. Then send the other two emails to other students you know at Walden who could use a little support. Remind them that what they are doing is important and you believe in them.

Why did I decide on that ratio of one to someone who has supported you and two to people you can support? While it important to thank those that have helped us, I believe it is even more important to help others. The minute you take to support a friend or peer will make their day; it may be what keeps them working on their paper instead of doing something else clamoring for their attention. You may provide the motivation to keep them from quitting when it gets difficult.

You have been given so many gifts; sometimes it is hard to remember it, because it is easy to take them for granted. You are intelligent and determined- how do I know that? Because you are working on your dissertation, you wouldn’t be here if you were not both of those things. I believe that you can get your dissertation done, and receive your doctorate. I believe that someday soon you will be able to have Ph.D. after your name, and people will call you doctor. Just keep writing!

Next time I will post an updated blog index.  Do you have an issue or a question that you would like me to discuss in a future post? Would you like to be a guest writer? Send me your ideas!

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