Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Updating articles

Students often feel that once they have completed Chapter 2’s literature review they do not have to look at the literature again. Sorry, not true! I suggest every month or two you go to the library and update your literature. New articles are constantly being published, and you want your literature review to be up to date. Do you need to do an exhaustive search each time? No, but you may want to set up a schedule, so that over several months you have checked on all of your variables and theories.

Then add in the new articles into your literature review. I suggest using track changes, so it is obvious to your faculty reviewers what is new info and what they have previously read. Keep track in your research journal of your searches and if you find new info. It will make it much easier to remember what you have done along the way if you keep a map through your journal. Remember that you should be an expert on the literature related to your study, so keep reading!

Next time we will consider publishing in a journal. Do you have an issue or a question that you would like me to discuss in a future post? Would you like to be a guest writer? Send me your ideas!

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