Friday, September 4, 2015

Curiosity: Be Foolish

As I am sure you are aware, academia does not actively promote curiosity and exploring unknowns. Researchers are encouraged to follow in others' footsteps, which while ultimately building a basis for future work it may also stifle breaking new ground. How to balance these? One technique is to cultivate "conscious ignorance." Become fascinated with what you do not know; keep a research journal in which you allow yourself to speculate and consider new directions. In these pages be foolish, make leaps of imagination, and consider new areas. Then begin to follow these up and explore how these ideas fit into the current thinking in your field. I do not recommend taking the early musing to your faculty, but they are a great way to jumpstart your brain and let you consider new potentials and theoretical ideas.


Next time, we will consider where you are going. Do you have an issue or a question that you would like me to discuss in a future post? Would you like to be a guest writer? Send me your ideas!

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