Friday, August 8, 2014

The dedicated office

What do I mean by a "dedicated office"? It is a room that is used primarily as an office; it may occasionally be used for other functions, such as a guest room, but it returns to its office use. Often a guest room is used for this purpose. I want to make it clear that none of the workspaces I have discussed are "bad" they each have challenges, it just a part of working from home that must be dealt with. 

The advantages of an office are that you have a door that you can shut, reducing the noise and intrusions. Of course, if you have children, that may not make much difference! In general, it makes it easier to maintain privacy and confidentiality of your data. I still, however, recommend a locked cabinet, to reduce any chance of a confidentiality issue (the IRB will insist upon it). The disadvantages are that you may feel cut off from your family and you may need to enter transient mode when guests take over the room. Make sure you remove or lock up any papers or data you are working on. Otherwise, you may discover the guest has accidently packed them and taken them home.  

Next time I will talk about using a research journal as an organizing tool. Do you have an issue or a question that you would like me to discuss in a future post? Would you like to be a guest writer? Send me your ideas! 

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